More "ATLANTIS" updates...

Mike and his friend, the ever reliable actor Phil Lyndon, are slaving away, one frame at a time, over the "ATLANTIS" transfer still as i write this and what troopers they are!
As mentioned previously, the transfer obtained directly from the original 16m reversal stock camera elements proved extremely frustrating, yielding a sharp and vibrant image full of colour that unfortunately was riddled with an excessive amount of vertical "tramline" scratches and regular moments where the image would smear off the screen due to old splices that had not been cleaned up or repaired during the transfer process. A 1" master tape was used to create a fresh Betacan SP master and then digital master that is being worked on and while slightly inferior to the clarity of the digital master struck from the 16mm elements, it is in some ways equal in quality and in others on par. We are very happy with the initial results of the Betacam transfer and the work Mike and Phil continue to do can only serve to enhance what is an already fine replacement...

The audio commentary is also complete...and WHAT a commentary! Mike was joined by Phil Lyndon (who stars in the film as 'The Master', ruler of all that is Atlantis), Judith Holding ('Queen Anteya', the Master's bitch, for want of a better word!) and June Bunday (who plays the innocent 'Arian', pulled into the watery underworld and forced into slavery). Full of anecdotes, production history and much banter, it is informative and hilarious in equal measure and a true delight!

With only the slideshow, menu screens and sleeve layout to put together, we are slowly but surely getting there and it won't be long before you can revel in the delirious delights of "ATLANTIS"!

(Full "ATLANTIS" webpage will be available on the 24th, featuring a teaser slideshow, production details, cast & crew info, full DVD specs and more!)
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